Begin by drawing Garfield's face. Draw a small oval for the nose. On each side of the nose, extend a curved line that ends in a spiral. This forms the top of Garfield's mouth and his cheeks. Then, use long curved lines to enclose two large, partial ovals above the nose. Draw a curved line across each eye to form the eyelids, and shade small ovals to indicate the pupils.
Enclose the mouth using two curved lines, each extending from the nose to the cheeks. Texture the cheeks with dimples and whiskers - small "U" shaped lines at the corners of the mouth to form the dimples, and dots for the base of the whiskers. Then, outline the sides of the face using long curved lines.
Draw Garfield's ears. Use overlapping curved lines to form the rounded triangle shapes. Then, detail the ears by drawing a curved line across each. Shade three curved shapes at the base of each ear to indicate the tufts of fur. Contour the chin with a short curved line, and outline the round body.
Use curved lines to sketch Garfield's arm and hand. Notice the "L" shaped lines of the arm and the overlapping lines of palm and fingers.
Contour the palm with two curved lines. Then, use a series of overlapping lines to begin sketching the remaining arm.
Complete the hand by using two curved lines to draw the third finger and side of the hand. Then, extend two straight, parallel lines from the opening in the torso. This is Garfield's leg. Use overlapping curved lines to sketch the top and bottom of the foot.
Complete the foot by using two overlapping curved lines to form the remaining toes. Then, begin the remaining foot and leg. Use a curved line for the front of the leg and overlapping lines for the top of the foot and the first two toes.
Complete the foot with a "C" shaped line for the final toe and a curved line for the bottom of the foot. Draw the tail using a long curved line that doubles back upon itself. Texture the ears by shading narrow triangle shapes at the top of each.
Give Garfield his stripes. Shade sets of successively smaller curved shapes along the sides of the face, the back, and the top of the tail. At the tip of the tail, shade several narrow triangles.